Online Classes

Our signature 30 minute partially guided meditation is where it all began.

These sessions are for new and experienced meditators. These sessions, partially led by one of experienced facilitators, are a chance to practice together in community, yet in your own space.

SOMM GUIDED is always led in the tradition of Awareness Insight Mediation, a non-dogmatic, zero woo-woo approach to meditation that encourages a deep connection to your body-mind and encourages a state of rest and rejuvenation.

These sessions encourage stillness and are a way to consistently practice and master the art of surrender.

These sessions always include a period of integrative silence towards the end, as we know that that is where the meditative magic happens.

These classes are included in SOMM Full Access, SOMM 365 and SOMM Online Memberships. These classes are also available for drop ins.


Conscious breathing has been used for thousands of years to support the challenges we face as human beings. Most modern techniques have their roots in yoga practice which was originally a breathing technology.

Intentional breathing and better quality respiration influences every system in the entire body and if we practice consistently we may see some powerful, positive shifts in our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

The research on breathwork is promising and potential health benefits of consistent breathwork include:

Alkalizing your blood PH
An anti-inflammatory effect
Elevating your mood

‌Breathwork may also have a positive impact on your central nervous system creating emotional resilience and a way to process stress out of the body. Let our highly experienced facilitators guide you through these carefully crafted 30 minute sessions and feel the effects firsthand.

These classes are included in SOMM Full Access, SOMM 365 and SOMM Online Memberships. These classes are also available for drop ins.


Once a month we gather in community to celebrate the full moon and use the energy of this time to release, connect and set intentions for the month ahead. These events incorporate ancient practices without the dogma, making them suitable for new and experiences meditators alike and a way to come together as a community.

These events are included in SOMM Full Access and SOMM 365 Memberships and available for drop ins.

Book a class

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) or "Tapping" is a mind-body therapy that draws on the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practice of and is used today as a therapeutic approach in modern psychology.

In a SOMM EFT session your experienced facilitator will give clear instruction around tapping key acupoints on the hands, face, and body with your fingertips while focusing on uncomfortable feelings or concerns, they will use affirmations to neutralize those feelings.

Research suggests that there’s a physiological response to the stimulation of these acupoints — they’re not simply random sites on the body. After examining acupoints under a microscope, scientists discovered that they contain a high density of nerve endings, nerve fibers that control heat and cold, and a high concentration of white blood cells.

Other research found that stimulating acupoints produces a variety of brain chemicals, including opiods (endogenous pain-relieving chemicals), serotonin (which helps regulate sleep, mood, and memory), and gamma-aminobutyric acid (which has a calming effect on the body), according to a past research article (PDF).

Research suggests that EFT tapping can relieve stress, diminish cravings, improve performance, and even help relieve symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

With its simplicity and effectiveness, EFT Tapping provides rapid relief from emotional overwhelm. Suitable for all ages, this life-changing technique is accessible to everyone. As with all SOMM practices we recommend making these regular and consistent parts of your self-care routine.

These classes are included in SOMM Full Access, SOMM 365 and SOMM Online Memberships. These classes are also available for drop ins.


The perfect end to your day. Our SOMM NIGHT BREATHE sessions activate a state of deeper relaxation through the power of certain styles of breathing that can activate "rest and digest." Let our experienced facilitators guide you in these 30 minute sessions, that if practiced consistently will show you the capacity of your own body to heal and rejuvenate.

Intentional breathing and better quality breathing influences every system in the entire body and if we practice consistently we may see some powerful, positive shifts in our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Conscious breathing has been used for thousands of years to support the challenges we face as human beings. Many techniques have their roots in yoga practice which was originally a breathing technology.

The research on breathwork is promising and potential health benefits of consistent breathwork include:

Alkalizing your blood PH
Anti-inflammatory effect
Elevating your mood

‌Breathwork may also have a positive impact on your central nervous system creating emotional resilience and a way to process stress out of the body.

These sessions are carefully crafted so you can feel the effects firsthand.

These classes are included in SOMM Full Access, SOMM 365 and SOMM Online Memberships. These classes are also available for drop ins.


This 45 minute breathwork session is curated and created to combine breathing techniques that will set a powerful tone for your weekend. This session can be joined online or in-studio as part of our SATURDAY SYNERGY session.

Conscious breathing has been used for thousands of years to support the challenges we face as human beings. Many techniques have their roots in yoga practice which was originally a breathing technology.

Intentional breathing and breathing better influence every system in the entire body and if we practice consistently we may see some powerful, positive shifts in our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

The research on breathwork is promising and potential health benefits of consistent breathwork include:

Alkalizing your blood PH
Anti-inflammatory effect
Elevating mood

‌Breathwork may also have a positive impact on your central nervous system creating emotional resilience and a way to process stress out of the body.

Let our highly experienced facilitators guide you through these carefully crafted 45 minute session where they will incorporate multiple breathwork techniques to enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being.

In this session, you'll harness the power of mindful breathing, a time-honoured practice that fosters mental clarity, bolsters nervous system resilience, and enhances creativity, clarity and connection within.


At SOMM we offer practices that cultivate a deeper mind-body connection and restore the nervous system. SOMM Foundation Yoga is based upon Iyengar Yoga principles, a lineage of yoga that is inherently meditative, and encourages a beautiful attention to detail. You will learn a lot about the mind-body connection and also the practice of yoga in these classes.

In our FOUNDATION yoga class, students will establish fundamental principles of yoga poses, alignment and breathwork via the practice of Iyengar yoga, with an experienced Iyengar Yoga teacher. The philosophy of yoga and how it relates to your practice will also be introduced. You can expect to gain strength, mobility, flexibility, and a sense of wellbeing from these classes.

Why Iyengar Yoga? This lineage of yoga focusses deeply on alignment and detail making it a deeply meditative and safe practice. Ideal for beginners to yoga, and for intermediate and advanced students who want to gain a deeper understanding of their asana and breathwork practice.

Iyengar Yoga requires a different type of attention to detail and effort, as the poses are held for longer periods than in many other styles, which is helpful for concentration, focus and an exploration of our limits. The attention to specific alignment in the postures and the use of lots of props means it can be very therapeutic for people with postural issues as well as many different ailments including chronic pain, insomnia and depression.

Our FOUNDATION yoga class is suitable for any body - no matter your age, your experience, or whether you have any physical issues or limitations - there is something for everyone in this class. The magic of Iyengar yoga is that it can be adapted to meet you wherever you are along your yoga journey. You start where you are and go from there.

In Iyengar-based yoga classes, we use props like straps, blocks, or bolsters when needed and concentrate on alignment.

These classes are included in SOMM 365 & Full Access Memberships, as well as drop-ins and via our class packs.

Iyengar yoga was developed by B.K.S Iyengar, considered by many as one of the foremost yoga teachers in the world. Iyengar was a direct student of Krishnamacharya who is referred to as the Father of Modern Yoga. Iyengar had health problems when he was younger which improved through his asana practice. He developed Iyengar yoga as practice which would be suitable for all ages, abilities and disabilities.


A 30 minute session focusing on functional breathing knowledge & theory to create better breathing patterns and feel the effects of this in your life.

A SOM-take on the traditional Buddhist Loving-Kindness meditation technique. 

A 30 minute partially guided, traditional meditation experience with a deep pocket of silence to explore.

A 30 minute guided breathwork session in which your facilitator will take you through several different breathwork techniques.

A merging of modalities including breathwork, gentle movement and Qigong to amplify energy & vitality.

A longer practice with opportunity to chat with fellow students & your teachers

An evening class similar to Yoga Nidra to foster deep rest.

The perfect end to the week combining Yin Yoga, Meditation & a delicious, nourishing cup of cacao

Our monthly longer breathwork experience focusing on intentional breathing techniques to promote relaxation, stress relief, & emotional release. These are designed to amplify your daily breathwork practices.

A foundational yoga class integrating mind-body with breath. Suitable for all levels of practitioner as our teachers pay close attention to the needs of each student to support their different requirements and levels.

Traditional Chinese mind-body movement practice. The word "qi" (or "chi") in Chinese culture refers to the vital energy or life force that flows through all living beings, while "gong" means cultivation or mastery. So, Qigong can be understood as the practice of cultivating or mastering one's vital energy.

A longer meditation practice with opportunity to chat with fellow students & your teachers.

Join us in nature as we combine walking meditation with breathwork and then follow this inner journey into the ocean. Nature’s contrast therapy and a pure bliss balm for the soul – all year round.

A guided experience using music & sound to promote relaxation & self-reflection.

A modern take on the ancient mindfulness practice of tea. These ceremonies are always part of a co-creation between our inspiring teachers.

A gentle yin session facilitated by a Reiki master who will work energetically with the collective of the class, but also work with each individual.

Each month, we explore sobriety and living a sober life with inspiring conversations from people in our community

In our Functional Yoga sessions on Monday evenings 6pm, we offer a strong, foundational 75 minute yoga class that covers all the principles of yoga - poses, alignment and breathwork with a highly experienced teacher. These classes are a mindful pace and are focused on developing clear and safe alignment in each pose to help students truly deepen their practice. The teacher will also weave in nuggets of yogic history and philosophy to add another layer of understanding.  

Yoga was traditionally taught to be inherently meditative, and encourage attention to detail via the mind-body connection. Ideal for beginners to yoga, and for intermediate and advanced students who want to gain a deeper understanding of their asana and breathwork practice. The thoughtful sequence will prepare your body for a deep state of meditation.

These classes are included in our Full Access Memberships, as well as drop-ins and via our class packs.


In-Studio Classes

Our SOUNDBATH 60 classes are an immersive sound experience where all students have to do is lie down, close their eyes and let the singing bowls, gong, bells & other instruments do the work harmonising body, mind and emotions. SOMM supplies mats, pillows and blankets but please feel free to bring your own if you would prefer.

These classes are included in SOMM Full Access, SOMM 365 and SOMM Online Memberships. These classes are also available for drop ins.

Book a class

On Friday nights we offer an extra special treat for our community: Yin & Cacao. SOMM is a destination for those who wish to make different choices and set themselves up for a deeper quality of weekend, so we wanted to offer something that was a healthy, delicious and fun way to unwind after a busy week.

We open with a warm cup of lovingly brewed Mamamuti cacao and then our yin yoga class is set to a funky playlist or guest sound practitioner. This a deeply relaxing and contemplative practice, the antidote to our busy lives. Yin yoga targets your deep connective tissues, like your fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones. It’s a slower and more meditative style of yoga, giving you space to turn inward and tune into both your mind and the physical sensations of your body while also teaching you how to breathe effectively and sit with your thoughts.

Stay for a cup of tea and roll into your weekend with presence and a layer of stress washed from the tissues of your body and mind.

These classes are included in SOMM Full Access, SOMM 365 Memberships and class packs. These classes are also available for drop ins.


Contact us

The School of Modern Meditation

1/1 Howe St.
Freeman's Bay
Auckland 1011

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